Contact Us

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Contact Info


3335 10th Avenue
Avenue 10 between Calles 33 and 35
100 meters south and 250 meters east from Casa Italia
Adjacent to the Venezuelan Embassy
Barrio Francisco Peralta
San José, Costa Rica

Office Hours

8:00-5:00 Central American Time
(GMT -6 or EST -1)

The Costa Rica Labor Code embodies the spirit of the country's Constitution and most rights applicable to employees are also basic rights guaranteed to individuals. The Labor Code is a comprehensive document that establishes the general rules covering all labor relationships. Some subsidiary laws like the Law of Labor-Related Risks, the Law for Worker's Protection, and Administrative Provisions such as decrees for minimum wages, mandatory social security registration, etc. make employment a viable option in this Latin American country.

Contacting us puts you under no obligation and is a step that every business owner, either current or prospective, should take to ensure that their business plan has accounted for everything the organization might encounter. Surprises in business are rarely good news, so having a strong, local partner in Meléndez & Bonilla is a great way to avoid those surprises so that you can deal from a position of strength.

We have offered a number of ways to contact us for information pertaining to your particular business needs, both from within Costa Rica and within the United States and the rest of North America.

Don’t hesitate to call us for any reason.

Meléndez & Bonilla has the experienced staff it takes to succeed in Costa Rica’s business climate and whether your needs entail setting up a company you hope to operate in the country or simply an S.A. organization you can use to hold assets, Meléndez & Bonilla can help.

Contact us today.